Dental Office Construction & Remodeling

Dental Office Construction & Remodeling

Dental Office Construction Company & General Contractor Across Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota

Offering high-quality dental construction build-outs to update and restore outdated office setups.

If you want to have the best dental office and clinic in your community, you might want to consider dental construction or remodeling to ensure you keep the confidence of your current and new patients. Data shows that there is continuing unprecedented growth in dental services. Many dentists are doing renovations of their offices and hiring dental office construction companies and general contractors to ensure their offices are on par with the latest trends in dental care.

If you have a current dental office that has not seen any new updates in the last few years, you may be lagging behind in the latest dental technology and dental office design aesthetics. When it comes to the success or failure of a dental office practice, patient perception plays a major role.

If your patient gets the impression that you have an outdated office and using out of date equipment, they can easily assume that you as well as your staff and colleagues are not keeping abreast with the latest treatment methods to address their dental issues.

Going to the dentist's office can be quite hard for many people because they anticipate many dental services and procedures to be on the painful side, if they get a whiff that they are not getting the best treatment possible out there, they might just consider switching to another dental healthcare office clinic or not even coming in at all.

Diversified Construction is your premier dental office construction and remodeling company that offers high-quality dental build-outs to update and restore outdated office and clinic setups.

Reconfiguring Reception Area

Normally, the first thing patients notice when they enter a dental office is the reception area. Many patients base their decisions on whether they want to book another appointment with this office on the state of a dentist’s reception area space. If all they see are faded floral wallpaper, dirty and broken countertops and old newspapers and magazines, chances are they will not be impressed.


Simply put, an antiquated office reception space leaves a bad first impression on new patients and pretty much tells them what quality of treatment they can expect from this practice. As experienced medical/dental remodelers, we got this covered. Rely on Diversified Construction to provide a complete facelift of every aspect of your dental reception space to improve the overall patient experience from the moment they set foot inside your office.

We Improve Patient Inflow/Outflow and Overall Comfort

As your dental office construction company, one of the ways we can improve your offices and overall patient experience is through the improvement of patient inflow and outflow. Doing so not only calls for more efficient use of space but more importantly improving the overall comfort of your patients while they are in your office. We shall analyze your patient inflow and outflow as well as your patients’ habits. From this, we shall devise a more efficient floor plan that provides better patient privacy in order to improve the overall patient experience.


Part of the dental construction/remodeling plan includes improvement of both the seating and examination areas. We believe that comfortable seating is vital to the overall patient experience and an office environment that is relaxing and aesthetically pleasing contributes to that. Sounds and odors from your dental office also play a role in how the patient feels when they come in.


Therefore we shall reduce these distractions to a minimum in order to increase their level of comfort and in effect also lower their anxiety when it comes to dental office appointments. By putting upgrades that elevate the patient experience you will discover that you will have fewer cancellations and missed appointments. Contact us today to know about our dental construction projects and services.

Better Staff Conditions

As a dental office construction general contractor, it is our experience that offices that only emphasize in patient comfort and completely neglect staff accommodations result in low morale and overall loss of productivity for staff. Improving staff accommodations should be part and parcel of the overall dental construction/remodeling package. If you want to keep and retain your excellent staff over the long term you need to ensure that working conditions are addressed to also look after their comfort.


We shall present you with new interior design concepts that showcase comfortable accommodations for your employees and will provide long term benefit and increased morale and productivity. Let Diversified Construction make this a reality. Contact us today.

Minimize Practice Disruption

We know that implementing a dental build-out or dental remodeling program can take a toll on your healthcare office practice. We know that you cannot have it shut down for renovations and repair for a prolonged period. As a premier dental office construction company and dental remodeling specialist, we get this. Depending on the extent of renovation and repair work needed, we shall be implementing the most minimal office downtime possible.


Our “off-hours” concept calls for our work crews only implementing renovation work when the office is closed for the day. We also confine the work to only one or a couple of rooms at a time so that you can continue seeing patients while we perform the necessary work. Contact us today to learn more on how dental construction can transform your dental office from drab to fab. We are very excited to hear from you.

Serving the Greater Twin Cities Metro and Western Wisconsin Including:

Let's Plan Your Dental Office Construction Project.